About Us

Board of Directors


William G. Morice II, MD, PhD

President & Chief Executive Officer

Mayo Collaborative Services, Mayo Clinic Laboratories
(ACLA Board Chair)

Steve Chapman



Kevin T. Conroy

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Exact Sciences Corporation
(ACLA Treasurer)

Jim Davis

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President

Quest Diagnostics

Paul J. Diaz

President and Chief Executive Officer

Myriad Genetics, Inc.

Martin Price

Executive Chairman and CEO


Cory A. Roberts, MD, MBA

Chief Executive Officer

Sonic Healthcare USA

Adam H. Schechter

Chairman, CEO, and President

Laboratory Corporation of America
(ACLA Vice Chair)

Chris Smith

Chief Executive Officer

NeoGenomics Laboratories

Katherine Stueland

President and CEO


Andy Theurer

Chief Executive Officer

ARUP Laboratories

Susan Van Meter


American Clinical Laboratory Association

Elias Zerhouni, MD

President of OPKO Health

BioReference Health